The more you and I get to be friends, the more you will understand my absolute devotion to the handcrafted arts. Seriously. I find it to be crazy luxurious to use, own, consume products that were created by an impassioned individual.

Hence, my love and adoration for
strawberry hedgehog, a local handmade vegan soap shop. No really, have you ever fallen in love with soap before? The owner, Tracy (totally rad chicka btw), has a booth at the
Farmer's Market I frequent and now I'm hooked. HOOKED I tell you.
Her packaging is beautiful, the soaps are lovely to look at and their heavenly aromas are to die for. Check out her
shop...and her
blog (hello yummy-looking vegan recipes)
*side note - they sell LOADS of handmade pleasures on their site: pretty jewelry, face products, yada yada..check it out.