I am feeling all sorts of creative these days. Perhaps it's because I keep thinking of fun projects to do for our future wedding. See,
A.Mountain.Bride for all the jazz on that fun stuff! But this is not the space for wedding talk...nope...this is everything else...like my bedroom design.
Here's the deal. I refuse to spend money on any sort of decor for our house. Nothing really needs replacing, I mean, all of our furniture has been with me through my college years and was all hand-me-down free furniture to begin with. There are some great 80's pieces, like our huge slightly wobbly dining room table....but it's not broken...so why get something new? You get the idea. I'm also like this for decorative items. I have plenty of beautiful treasures to fill our space. Except when it comes to our bedroom. It's kindof the hodge-podge of where stuff goes when it doesn't harmonize anywhere else.
I want to make some pillows for the bed. We have our sleeping pillows of course, and a couple navy corduroy shams...but we are missing the style mark. I'm thinking about making some of these great bold felt embroidered pillows for our bed. Maybe three would do the trick to bring some of the rad colors out of our comforter (it's navy with striped down the very center in awesome shades of greens, yellows, oranges, and blues....oh Nautica rules.