Thursday, May 7, 2009

diy: bottles up

buy these AMAZING recycled wine bottle tumblers from etsy's bodhicitta

So I'm sort of obsessed with saving glass "stuff" these days. Old spaghetti jars, canning jars, pretty beer bottles and allllllll the wine bottles. I have a couple lil projects I'm saving up for. One is that I want to make drinking glasses from wine bottles. There are loads of DIY instructions plastered all over the web on how to accomplish this...but I think that I will stop with the collecting and cleaning stages of the process. Seems awfully involved to make these glorious lil glasses, and I think I'll leave it to the pros for now. It might be a project I get to someday.

But I've been saving wine bottles for a few months now - the top of my fridge is full of them in their jeweled Earth tones. They really are so pretty all cleaned up. Beautiful lil vases if you ask me.

Here's how I cleaned 'em (and my bottles had no excess glue residue which I've heard can be tricky):

soaked them in a big bucket of water with dishsoap...I soaked them overnight.

and they peel off crazy easy! I then washed them in the dishwasher.

ps: I saw colored glass bottles like these at a craft store for $7.99 a piece - seriously.


  1. Hi Jes P. : You won over at Black Eiffel. Please email me your address at: and I'll send the book off! Thanks for reading.

  2. same here... I have a bunch under my sink right now.
