The stormy Tucson weather must be quite a site. I wouldn't know. I've been in the hospital over 16 hours everyday for the past two weeks.
Today, my miserable general surgery rotation got a whole lot worse when I stabbed myself with a dirty suture needle in the operating room. I proceeded to get yelled at by the surgeon (no was when he was yelling at the nurse that I jumped and stabbed myself in the first place)...then 5 hours of paperwork, blood tests, and educational counseling on the risks of such a thing. It wasn't until my 3rd hour sitting in the emergency department listening to another nurse rant about HIV did I start crying.
I was crying. In the emergency department. We don't know if the patient has Hepatitis or HIV or whatever. Bummer.
I think this classifies itself as a bad day. I sorta wish I had this crazy cute band-aids to slap on my arm instead of the flesh-colored one I'm currently sporting.