Saturday, December 12, 2009

team jacob

I went and saw New Moon with my future sister in law (who is the cooloest 17 year I know). And now I'm completely obsessed with the whole Twilight series thing. And I have to read all of the gazillions books 7 times (like she did). Just what I need. A new distraction. With 700 pages each.

*note: I did call my fiance and told him that I am in love with a warewolf. He told me that he would buy P90x tomorrow. What a trooper.


  1. oh yes, I am 100 million percent team jacob!

  2. that's too funny! i loved the books, read them all in less than a week. i need to read them again.

    i like the movies... but i laugh through the whole thing every time because of the OVER-the-top DRAMA of the whole thing. so cheesy, so wonderfully great.
